Knobbly Knees and whether to show them??

I hate my knees…

It’s official.. they are ugggg-leeeee !  and trust me, I am not exaggerating..  😜

I always try to cover them up whether I am wearing dresses or skirts, and NEVER wear shorts, unless I have very thick tights on …. which is rarely.

The only time they see the light of day is on the beach, or in the privacy of my own garden when I am hidden from the outside world and safe to be myself, without turning anyone who witnesses them to stone (seriously!)

I feel quite strongly that women over a certain age should also cover their knees, unless they have drop dead gorgeous ones!  After all, why show them off when they’re ‘orrid!❌❌❌

It’s fine if you’re 22 with lovely legs, and don’t have hang-ups about your knees.. but some people look like they’ve got baby monkeys 🐵 stuck inside their legs and can’t get out!

Ladies over 40 unless you have got FAB-U-LOUS legs (dahling)  should keep them covered… and with this in mind, I have been searching for genuine pics from the 40’s and 50’s for ladies which show knees – and the length of their skirts..  So here are what I found, and Guess what?  NO KNEES!!!!

Obviously, the trousers won’t show knees, but all of these genuine 40’s photos show the skirts below the knee..  Even the dance fashion, don’t show knees..

So I looked for the 50’s fashions,  which included the pencil or wiggle skirt, as well as the fuller drindle and circle skirts… and here are a few examples.

My point is….

Whenever I have bought a reproduction 50’s skirt or dress, the length of the skirt is too short.. and I don’t necessarily think it’s because I’m tall, I think the manufacturers are being too tight with their fabric..  It costs a lot less to make a shorter skirt,  than a longer one, as you need wider fabric, or more panels… all of which add up to higher manufacturing cost.

I would LOVE to be corrected here – so if there are any readers out there who KNOW the answer to this, please comment!    But having made quite a few vintage style dresses myself, I have had to work all this out for myself… which is why I ask the question.

Vivienne of Holloway is a prime example of this.  Their clothes are beautiful, but just not made for the taller ladies.  The bodice of their dresses is too short – and the skirts are above the knee..    so they are making for the masses… how much extra would it really cost to include a “Tall” range in their sizes, which go up to 24 incidentally.. but cost quite a lot.. their dresses start at £65 and go up to £160!! (full price, they tend to be much cheaper in the sales).   And although they do have a helpful size chart, it says nothing about the length..  It would be very helpful to tell us (as some websites do) how tall their models are – I suspect they are 5’4″  and a size 8 !!  or somewhere in that region.

I would also love to see some plus size models on their pages.. but they don’t have any!

So why did I start this, because I haven’t yet found a company that sells these types of skirts or dresses..

See how long these skirts are?  I cannot imagine that the models are midgets… so why is it so hard to find something like this for sale, without having it made to order?

I particularly like the spiders web skirt, which could possibly be a one off??? who knows… but if you’re in the business of making repro gear, have a heart!  and get my knees covered up!  I will be a loyal customer forever!

Take a moment to look at my Shop on eBay – thanks!!



Anna xxx

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